Funding & Grants

Apprenticeship grant for employers of 16 to 24 year olds.


The AGE 16 to 24 grant for employers aims to support businesses, who would not otherwise be in a position to do so, to recruit individuals aged 16 to 24 into employment though the apprenticeship programme.

AGE 16 to 24 is for employers with less than 50 employees, who are new to apprenticeships or haven’t enrolled a new recruit or existing employee onto an Apprenticeship programme in the previous 12 months. Employers can be paid up to 5 grants in total.

Employers who are recruiting their first apprentice in 12 months the opportunity to receive a £1500 grant.

You could be eligible if:

  • Your business is based in England and employs 50 or fewer employees.
  • Your new apprentice must be the first apprentice your business has hired, or the    first apprentice for over 12 months.
  • Your new apprentice is aged 16-24.


You are able to apply for up to 5 grants.

You will receive the grant your apprentice has completed their first 13 weeks in learning on their apprenticeship.

If you wish to discuss this opportunity further please contact Lisa Ward 01246 455798